

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Still here!!!

Cornel Wild 'King of the quick getaway'. He made several films in the 50's and 60's in which he both directed and starred. They had very similar plots were he was on the run from society, holed up in a cabin in the woods with some questionable young lady, possibly a hostage. He would keep a jacket (affectionately known as the Cornel Wilde running jacket) hanging on a rusty nail by the back door and in the pockets would be the tools of a quick getaway. Car keys, cigarettes, matches, arthritis medication, a few crumpled dollar bills. And when he would first get wind of the authorities pulling up at the front door he would make a hasty exit out of the back, grabbing the running jacket, moll in tow and would be in the car and off down the dirt road before the cops could shout "c'mon out, the place is surrounded."

Three weeks later and are still holed up at the very generous sister-in-laws tying up all the loose ends. Sarah is working hard completing all the paperwork and packing up a lifetime of memories while also working on the route while I spray lubricant on the camper jacks and cram everything into storage bins.

There is a blizzard planned for Wednesday so we are trying to get out Tuesday. The first destination being the cousins Eban and Jackie in Westport Conn.

Will we make it out before the authorities arrive, will we be trapped in the blizzard with nothing to eat but cigarettes and arthritis tablets........don't miss the next thrilling episode of........

                                                        THE 'TRAVELS WITH IVAN'

1 comment:

  1. I had an inkling you wayward trio, you band of brigands would still be about, holed up in some hole in the wall waiting it out. Or, in your case, situated in a lovely bucolic setting with the waves lapping happily at your door.
    I can just see you, though, grumbling under your breath as you spray WD40 for the fiftieth time and Sarah happily stitching away underpants for the poor with a carefree smile on her face. And look there, its Ivan, happy as a pig in mud, bouncing his little tennis ball against the wall again and again. Now, I have to consider what musical score to set over this epic beginning of your voyage.
    I do hope you can head out before the storm. It is meant to be a dilly. If not, I'd hunker down, as it were, and roast some marshmallows over the fire and regale one another with tales of past adventures.
    Keep strong and Carry on my cadre of wanderers.
